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CASEBITCOIN making the case for bitcoin every day
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CASEBITCOIN making the case for bitcoin every day
13 Jun 2011 | | Price when published: $19.19 (ROI since: +541,288%)
It is in this that BitCoin may have its greatest impact -- it may have shown the first successful widescale test of triple entry [2].
Triple entry is a simple idea, albeit revolutionary to accounting. Triple entry is a simple idea, albeit revolutionary to accounting. A triple entry transaction is a 3 party one, in which Alice pays Bob and Ivan intermediates. Each holds the transaction, making for triple copies.
A slight diversion to classical bookkeeping, as replacing double entry bookkeeping is a revolutionary idea. Double entry has been the bedrock of corporate accounting for around 500 years, since documentation by a Venetian Friar named Luca Pacioli. The reason is important, very important, and may resonate with cryptographers, so let's digress to there.
Back to triple entry. The digitally signed receipt dominates the two entries of double entry because it is exportable, independently verifiable, and far easier for computers to work with. Double entry requires a single site to verify presence and preserve resiliance, the signed receipt does not.
Back to BitCoin. BitCoin achieves the issuer part by creating a distributed and published database over clients that conspire to record the transactions reliably.
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